środa, 7 maja 2014

Simple and effective ways for hair to grow faster

Nowadays many girls and women (and probably boys and men) wants their hair to be longer. No one wants to wait, so they also want their hair to grow faster. Below you can find a lot of natural, semi-natural and... non natural remedies which will make you closer to this aim.

First of all...
wash your hair with rosemary water. You can also do it with rosemary shampoo. It will stimulating your hair to growth. Rosemary produces best results, when you use it everyday.

Second step... try homemade masks. There are a lot of homemade recepies for hair masks. My experience proves, that one of the most positively effective mask is egg hair mask. Mainly, it prevents hair breakage, so - in fact - contributes to fast growth.

How to prepare it? It is very simple, but I will explain. What you need is: one egg, some of extra virgin oil and cup of natural yogurt. You have to mix it and put on head for fifteen minutes. I reccomend  to do it once a week.

Third step... avoid stress! I know, I know... easier to say, than done. But maybe it will be easier, when you read this: stress inhibits hair growth and contributes to hair loss.

Fourth step... try some store-bought remedies. It can be wax mask or Radical ampoules. Both have got good influence on hair. Both ideally nurishes hair and help them to grow faster and thicker.

Last step... remember about how you handle your hair. For example, hairstyle known as pony tail can extremely demaged your hair . Tie them loosely.


Remember about diet. I wrote about it HERE.

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